readers.dic: reading of .dic file

read_dic(source, *, aff, context)[source]

Reads source (file or zipfile) and creates Dic from it.

  • source (spylls.hunspell.readers.file_reader.BaseReader) – “Reader” (thin wrapper around opened file or zipfile, targeting line-by-line reading)

  • aff ( – Contents of corresponding .aff file. Note that this method can mutate passed aff by updating its REP table (pairs of typical misspelling and its replacement) with contents of dictionary’s ph: data tag

  • context (spylls.hunspell.readers.aff.Context) – Context created while reading .aff file and defining common reading settings: encoding, format of flags and chars to ignore.

Return type:

def read_dic(source: BaseReader, *, aff: Aff, context: Context) -> dic.Dic:
    Reads source (file or zipfile) and creates :class:`Dic <>` from it.

        source: "Reader" (thin wrapper around opened file or zipfile, targeting line-by-line reading)
        aff: Contents of corresponding .aff file. Note that this method can *mutate* passed
             ``aff`` by updating its :attr:`REP <>` table (pairs of
             typical misspelling and its replacement) with contents of dictionary's ``ph:`` data tag
        context: Context created while reading .aff file and defining common reading settings:
                 encoding, format of flags and chars to ignore.
    result = dic.Dic(words=[])

    for num, line in source:
        if num == 1 and COUNT_REGEXP.match(line):

        # Each line is ``<stem>/<flags> <data tags>``
        # Stem can have spaces, so the indication of "here the data tags start" is:
        # * either space character, followed by text in format "xy:something" (exactly two-letter tag, colon, data)
        # * or _tab_ (and exactly tab) character, and then some data

        tags_match =
        tags_start: Optional[int] = None
        if tags_match:
            tags_start = tags_match.start()

        old_tags_start = line.find("\t")
        if old_tags_start != -1 and (not tags_start or tags_start > old_tags_start):
            tags_start = old_tags_start

        if tags_start:
            word = line[:tags_start]
            # If tags were present, parse them
            data = parse_data(line[tags_start:], aff.AM)
            word = line
            data = {}

        # Now, the "word" part is "stem/flags". Flags are optional, and to complicate matters further:
        # * if the word STARTS with "/" -- it is not empty stem + flags, but "word starting with /";
        # * if the "/" should be in stem, it can be screened by "\/"
        if word.startswith('/'):
            flags = ''
            word_with_flags = SLASH_REGEXP.split(word, 2)
            if len(word_with_flags) == 2:
                word, flags = word_with_flags
                flags = ''

        if r'\/' in word:
            word = word.replace(r'\/', '/')

        # Here we have our clean word (with screened "\/" replaced, and flag splitted off)

        if context.ignore:
            # we remove any chars context says to ignore...
            word = word.translate(

        # And cache word's casing and its lowerase form
        captype = aff.casing.guess(word)
        lower = aff.casing.lower(word) if captype != CapType.NO else word

        alt_spellings = []

        if 'ph' in data:
            # Now, for all "ph:" (alt.spellings) patterns:

            for pattern in data['ph']:
                # TODO:
                # according to it, Wednesday ph:wendsay should produce two cases
                #   REP wendsay Wednesday
                #   REP Wendsay Wednesday
                # hunspell handles it by just `if (captype==INITCAP)`...
                if pattern.endswith('*'):
                    # If it is ``pretty ph:prity*`` -- it means pair ``(prit, prett)`` should be added
                    # to REP-table (stripping the last character both from word, and alternative)
                    aff.REP.append(RepPattern(pattern[:-2], word[:-1]))
                elif '->' in pattern:
                    # If it is ``happy ph:hepi->happi`` -- it means pair ``(hepi, happi)`` should be added
                    # to REP-table ("happy" itself is just ignored...)
                    fro, _, to = pattern.partition('->')
                    aff.REP.append(RepPattern(fro, to))
                    # And if it is simple ``wednesday ph:wensday``, it means that ``(wensday, wednesday)``
                    # should be added to REP table
                    aff.REP.append(RepPattern(pattern, word))
                    # ...and that "wensday" should be stored in word as alt.spelling (used for ngram suggest)

        # And here we are!
        word_obj = dic.Word(
        result.append(word_obj, lower=lower)

    return result
parse_data(text, aliases)[source]

Parse data tags after stem. There can be anything in this part of the data, but parsed and processed are:

  1. tags in format "xy:<something>" – two chars of tag, then its value without spaces

  2. numeric aliases, decoded via AM directive (the alias is just expanded into several tags).

The rest is just dropped. Note that one tag can have several values:

witch ph:wich ph:whith

(Read as: the stem “witch” has two values for data tag “ph”, specifying which ways it can be misspelled.)

  • text (str) – part of the dictionary line after the stem

  • aliases (Dict[str, Set[str]]) – content of AM directive from aff-file

Return type:

Dict[str, List[str]]

def parse_data(text: str, aliases: Dict[str, Set[str]]) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
    Parse data tags after stem.
    There can be *anything* in this part of the data, but parsed and processed are:

    1. tags in format ``"xy:<something>"`` -- two chars of tag, then its value without spaces
    2. numeric aliases, decoded via :attr:`AM <>` directive (the alias
       is just expanded into several tags).

    The rest is just dropped. Note that one tag can have several values:

    .. code-block:: text

        witch ph:wich ph:whith

    (Read as: the stem "witch" has two values for data tag "ph", specifying which ways it can be

        text: part of the dictionary line after the stem
        aliases: content of :attr:`AM <>` directive from aff-file
    data: Dict[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)

    parts = SPACES_REGEXP.split(text)
    for tag_str in parts:
        if ':' in tag_str:
            # If it has "foo:bar" form, it is data tag
            tag, _, content = tag_str.partition(':')
            # TODO: in ph2.dic, there is "ph:" construct (without contents), what does it means?..
            if content:
        elif tag_str.isdigit() and aliases:
            # If it is just numeric, it is "morphology alias"
            # (defined in .aff file list of data tags corresponding to some number)
            # So we just mutate the list of tags we are currently processing, so those fetched
            # by numeric alias would be handled.

    return data